Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tonight's inspiration is 50 years in the making

As you know a few weeks back we mailed out our save the date cards. It's been so exciting receiving all the messages and emails from people that they received theirs! But one message really made my day. One night my Mom called me to tell me her brother (my wonderful Uncle Den) called to say that he got our save the date. But he had a question..."Joyce,what's a blog?" That totally cracked me up! Well Uncle Den, this is a blog. It's where the writer (me) can share all my ideas, projects, stories and thoughts with everyone who cares to read it. And tonight, you (and Aunt Peg) are my subject of choice!

So last month my Aunt Peg and Uncle Den celebrated their fiftieth, count it again FIFTIETH wedding anniversary! As a gift, all their kids and grandkids made a video showing pictures of them throughout the years. My Mom happened to send me a copy of the video in the mail and within 5 minutes of watching in I was in tears. Ryan came home to find me sobbing on the sofa (let's face it, it's not the first time). So I made him sit down to watch it with me. Those pictures encompass exactly what I imagine of our life together. While I sit here everyday thinking about and planning something for our wedding, I know that it's so much more just that one day.

Aunt Ped and Uncle Den on their wedding day! Look
how young and happy they are? Remind you of anyone? : )
This engagement period has truly been a time a growth for us. We are stretching ourselves in every way, financially, emotionally and even in the amount of time we get to spend together these days. But we have also taken this time to talk a lot about our future. One thing my Aunt Peg taught me when I got my last job was that you can plan your life all you want, but it will never turn out exactly how your planned. And that's a good thing I think. It's nice to be on the same page and working towards common goals. But I am also so anxious to see what really becomes of our life and marriage together.

This photo was a nice surpise for me to see on the video because there
are so few pictures of my grandparents (on the right). It's nice
to see a piece of their history.

As I watched all those pictures cronicle my aunt and uncles life I thought so much about ours. Their first house reminded me of all the small apartments we have lived in already. Flashes of our first little home and someday our dream home came to my mind. Then came photos of their first baby, a boy. And then 3 more boys! Who could of have planned that?! And who knows what our family will one day shape in to? (Although I do know for sure, with out a doubt it will include a dog : )

After all the pictures, their video had footage of their kids and grandkids answering questions about them. What is your favorite memory and Den and Peg (or grandma and and grandpa)? What do you admire most about them? My response would answer both those questions. My favorite memory, of recent, of my Aunt and Uncle is from 4 years ago on our biannual trip to the Holland, MI. I walked in to the main house on the property we stay at and found them in the kitchen tenderly snuggling. This is even before I had met Ryan, or considered that I would one day have what I do with him. But I remember thinking that they have something so very special. Something that has endured the years and still left them so in love. Something that I hope so dearly Ryan and I will have. And so that is what I admire most about my Uncle Den and Aunt Peg. They started out fresh faced, young and in love. Together they have survived MS, near blindness, FOUR boys and so much more. They built an amazing family that grew and grew (and I'm not quite convinced is done growing). A family that is closer and kinder then any I know. Their messaages for Den and Peg prove what wonderful and inspirational people they are.

The beautiful Page family celebrating Den and Peg's 50th
wedding anniversary. The little girl being held by her Dad is
our flower girl, Molly. To her left is my cousin and bridesmaid
So thank you both Aunt Peg and Uncle Den for being such a great example of a marriage. I have to admit since we got engaged I have noticed that good examples of marriages are hard to come by (thank you Kim Kardashian). It means more to me then you know to see that with love and work, a marriage can last a lifetime.

I know with out question Ryan is the person I want to build a life with. And I want to spend a life building it with him. I am so very excited for our wedding day, but I am more excited to see what is in store for us. What will our 50th wedding anniversary video show??

Thanks for reading!


Up next, crafts, crafts, and more crafts!! Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS!!!!
    love you
    love your soul and your thoughts
    love that you will read this in 50 years and still be smiling!
